Yorùbá COPY Negative Polarity Items
Taofeeq Adebayo
August 2017

This paper gives a syntactic account of two forms of Negative Polarity Items (NPIs) in Yorùbá, which correspond to English any-NP type of NPI (N-k-N, e.g. ẹnikẹ́ni “anybody”, and N-kan-kan, e.g. ẹnì-kankan “anybody”). I dub these two forms COPY NPIs because they involve reduplication. There is a discussion on whether the COPY NPIs are Type1 or Type2 NPIs in line with Collins and Postal’s (2014) distinction between the two types of NPI, which corresponds to the traditional Strict and Non-strict distinction. The Yorùbá COPY NPI data are described using the framework developed in Collins and Postal (2014), where NPIs are analyzed in terms of NPI-internal Neg formation, matrix clause Neg-raising, and Neg deletion. I argue that this way of looking at NPIs provides an insight into the internal properties of NPIs cross-linguistically and an avenue to further examine the properties of sentential negative markers by looking at how negation is formed within NPIs. Building on the proposed parameters in Collins et al. (2015), four parameters are set for Yorùbá COPY NPIs against English any-NPIs and Ewe Ke-NPIs.
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Reference: lingbuzz/003279
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keywords: copy, npis, neg raising, yoruba npis, syntax
previous versions: v1 [January 2017]
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