The formal properties of non paradigmatic SE
Javier Ormazabal, Juan Romero
April 2019

We propose a unified analysis of SE-passives and SE-impersonals in Spanish analyzed as regular active constructions where SE is the nominative subject. We argue that the characteristic properties of the constructions and their differences derive from the interaction of Case theory and the "quirky" nature of SE as the subject of the construction, which lacks person and number ϕ features. We go through many of the characteristic properties attributed in the literature to non paradigmatic SE constructions in Spanish, showing that they strongly support a quirky subject analysis of SE.
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Reference: lingbuzz/003402
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Published in: Borealis: An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics, 2019, 8 / 1. pp. 55-84.
keywords: passive se, impersonal se, quirky subjects, montalbetti effects, syntax, number agreement
previous versions: v2 [February 2018]
v1 [April 2017]
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