The morphosyntax of the periphrastic future under negation in Cypriot Greek
Jason Merchant, Natalia Pavlou
November 2017

In Cypriot Greek, the negated future is marked by an element, tha, which appears instead of the expected present tense copula and a selected subordinating element. This paper documents the distribution of this item for the first time, and presents an analysis in Distributed Morphology that analyzes tha as a portmanteau morpheme realizing two heads in the context of negation. This analysis requires that spans (or targets of Fusion) can include a verb and the head of its C complement.
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Reference: lingbuzz/003747
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Published in: Journal of Greek Linguistics
keywords: allomorphy, span, negation, future, greek, cypriot, distributed morphology, morphology, syntax
previous versions: v1 [January 2017]
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