Output-Output Correspondence via Agreement by Projection
Nicholas Rolle
May 2018

This paper proposes unifying the independently developed models of Output-Output Correspondence (OO-Corr) for morphophonology and Agreement by Projection (ABP) for phonology, both of which formalize the insight that linguistic units which are similar are intimately connected, a connection which fosters further similarity. I refer to this as OO-Corr via ABP. Agreement by Projection is a recent proposal in Hansson (2014) coming out of the Agreement by Correspondence literature, which states that constraints can enforce agreement of a feature across a ‘projection’ of segments. The central innovation of this paper is that I extend this notion of ‘projection’ to sets of outputs (e.g. outputs of a paradigm) over which agreement is enforced (e.g. with respect to root shape, word shape, etc.). I illustrate the OO-Corr via ABP model for different types of output-to-output similarity, including paradigmatic and transparadigmatic OO-Corr types involving networks of output forms. Finally, I argue that OO-Corr via ABP unites two distinct cases in the paradigm uniformity literature: ‘majority rules effects’ seen in McCarthy’s (2005) work on Optimal Paradigms, and ‘least marked effects’ seen in Steriade’s (1999, 2008) work on ‘lexical conservatism’.
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Reference: lingbuzz/004023
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Published in: NELS 48 Proceedings 2018 - Iceland
keywords: output-output correspondence, morphological bases, agreement by projection, agreement by correspondence, paradigm uniformity, majority rules effects, lexical conservatism, morphology, phonology
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