The ups and downs of head displacement
Karlos Arregi, Asia Pietraszko
July 2020

We propose a theory of head displacement that replaces traditional Head Movement and Lowering with a single syntactic operation of Generalized Head Movement. We argue that upward and downward head displacement have the same syntactic properties: cyclicity, Mirror-Principle effects and blocking in the same syntactic configurations. We also study the interaction of head displacement and other syntactic operations arguing that claimed differences between upward and downward displacement are either spurious or follow directly from our account. Finally, we show that our theory correctly predicts the attested crosslinguistic variation in verb and inflection doubling in predicate clefts.
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Reference: lingbuzz/004096
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Published in: Linguistic Inquiry 52
keywords: head displacement, mirror principle, v2, vp ellipsis, do-support, predicate clefts, morphology, syntax
previous versions: v7 [December 2019]
v6 [December 2019]
v5 [November 2019]
v4 [August 2019]
v3 [April 2019]
v2 [July 2018]
v1 [July 2018]
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