Предикаты состояния и семантические типы предикатов [States, Events, and Predicate Types]
Anton Zimmerling
April 2024

I discuss the foundations of predicate ontologies based on two model notions – elementary states of affairs and eventualities, i.e. ordered pairs of initial and end states of affairs. Vendlerian classifications are oriented towards elementary states and tense logic, while Davidsonian classifications deal with eventualities and event logic. There are two kinds of atemporal predicates - fact and properties. Facts are propositional arguments of second-order predicates which add a special meaning that the embedded proposition was verified. Properties are atemporal first-order predicates that lack eventive interpretation and are not associated with factive frames. Davidsonian states are homogeneous durable spatiotemporal things distinct both from atemporal properties and spatiotemporal dynamic predicates. Davidsonian states are causally independent, while resultatives are causally determined as they reconstruct a preceding event that has caused the end state p. I discuss the contrast between external and internal Davidsonian states. The former lack a priority argument and can be quantified extensionally. The latter have a priority experiential argument and can only be quantified intensionally. External states can be observed, while internal states cannot.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008057
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Published in: С.Коева, Е. Ю. Иванова, Й. Тишева, А. Циммерлинг (ред.). Онтология на ситуациите за състояние – лингвистично моделиране. Съпоставително изследване за български и руски. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов", 2022, 31 – 52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7546/STONTBgRu2022.02
keywords: predicate ontologies; states of affairs; eventualities; events; spatiotemporality; atemporality; davidsonian states; properties; facts, semantics, morphology, syntax
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